- Tämä tapahtuma on mennyt.
Muistiaktivismi- ja zinetyöpaja Club U-Haulissa: Juhlat, vapautuminen ja yhteisö
1.6.2024 klo 19:00–22:00
Muistiaktivismi- ja zinetyöpajassa muistellaan yhdessä juhlia, vapautumista ja yhteisöä. Mitkä juhlat ovat olleet sinulle tärkeitä? Minkälaisissa tiloissa olet päässyt vapautumaan tai osaksi jotain yhteisöä? Mitä bileet ja muut juhlat merkitsevät sinulle tai yhteisöllesi?
Muistelu ja muistojen tallentaminen on käytäntö, joka tekee yhteisöstä kestävämmän ja jättää jäljen myös ruohonjuuritason toiminnasta historiaan. Tehdään muisteluista yhdessä matalalla kynnyksellä zineä, joka voidaan tallentaa sateenkaarihistoriaa kokoavaan arkistoon osaksi kaikkien yhteistä sateenkaarihistoriaa.
Muistelun voi halutessaan tehdä anonyymisti tai nimimerkillä. Kaiken ikäiset, niin nuoret kuin kokeneemmatkin voivat osallistua. Voit jakaa myös valokuvia tai muita konkreettisia muistoja esimerkiksi menneistä juhlista ja niiden merkityksestä.
Muistelua fasilitoi Kaura Raudaskoski Sateenkaarihistorian ystävät ry:stä yhdessä Jemina Vainikka Lindholmin kanssa.
Työpaja on osa Club U-Haulin järjestämää koko illan ja yön kestävää Own Your Pride -klubitapahtumaa, joka koostuu bileitä edeltävästä tapahtumaosuudesta (klo 19–22) sekä klubitapahtumasta (klo 22–04).
Tapahtuma järjestetään Ääniwallissa, Helsingin Vallilassa. Liput koko tapahtumaan alkaen 35€.
Liput: https://www.eventu.al/en/event/5680/finland/helsinki/own-your-pride
Lisätietoa Own Your Pride -tapahtumasta
Celebrate the first day of Helsinki Pride month with radical joy at OWN Your Pride! As queer individuals, we understand the transformative power of clubbing, collective dancing, and music. These spaces have been the birthplace of revolutionary movements and have fueled our activism. Our joy is and always will be an act of resistance!
On June 1st, 2024, OWN Your Pride will shine a spotlight on our history, the concept of ownership, and the liberation of our community. Join us on an unforgettable evening journey featuring a lineup of local and international artists, engaging discussions, and activities centered around understanding our past.
At OWN Your Pride, we are reclaiming club spaces and culture that have historically been at the heart of queer creativity and expression. We are excited to welcome friends from across Europe to come together, dance, showcase their art, and share their ideas and processes.
Born out of a deep passion for club culture and the necessity for an inclusive pride space, OWN Your Pride is a space created by and for our communities. It is a safe haven for individuals who may not see themselves represented in mainstream queer spaces. Join us in celebrating our pride and embracing our unique identities.
These following guidelines for safer spaces were created to make OWN as safe as possible for all participants.
We understand that especially in public events, spaces can’t be made fully safe for everyone.
We encourage all the participants to actively create an atmosphere where safety and wellbeing are priorities. Let’s look after one another.
Respect everyone’s personal space, both physical and mental. You cannot know where another person’s boundaries lie without asking them. Make sure you ask before touching anyone. Listen to others and adapt your behaviour if someone indicates that your behaviour makes them feel uncomfortable.
Respect everyone, don’t assume things. Don’t make assumptions about other people’s sexuality, gender, nationality, ethnicity, religion, values, socio-economic background, ability or health. Respect pronouns and names. Be aware of your own privileges.
No body discrimination. Don’t comment on another person’s body. Also do not comment on other people’s eating and meal sizes.
Respect the opinions, beliefs, experiences and differing viewpoints of others. Don’t mock, ridicule, disparage, sideline or humiliate anyone with your words, behaviour or actions.
Assume responsibility for your own actions and behaviour. Remember that your actions affect other people, regardless of your good intentions.
Give space. Do your best to ensure that everyone gets to participate.
Intervene in harassment if you witness it, and ask the person who was harassed whether they would like help or support. Don’t just remain a bystander.
19.00 – 22.00
Out of Sync
Lina Jarallah
Lesbo Erotics
QSeduction 101
Queer Hiphop w/ Dj Shy Grl
Trans Library Helsinki
22.00 – 04.00
post êxistance
suinner + trabelsi
cuntycoma & KAWAIIIGORE
DOORS 18.30
TICKETS 35€ + 3,90€ at the door.
Purchase: https://www.eventu.al/en/event/5680/finland/helsinki/own-your-pride
Just a heads up, your ticket is good for OWN, not just one specific artist. Unfortunately, we can’t offer refunds for artist cancellations since things can change last minute. Artists may have to cancel for reasons unrelated to the event organizer. Thanks for understanding.