Etusivu / Friends of Queer History / Organization Rules

Organization Rules

Approved at the establishing meeting of the Organization on January 20, 2020

1. Name and Location

The name of the Organization is Friends of Queer History; Sateenkaarihistorian ystävät ry in Finnish and Queerhistoriens vänner rf in Swedish, and it is located in Helsinki. The organization is bilingual (Finnish and Swedish) but the administrative language is Finnish.

2. Purpose and Practice

The purpose of the Organization is to further the research, recording, and representation of queer history and gender and sexual diversity.

In order to fulfill this aim, the Organization can

1) arrange discussions, seminars, and other events regarding queer history
2) support, promote, and practice the research and teaching of queer history
3) carry out queer history related projects
4) publish queer history research or other writings
5) influence relevant parties regarding the promotion of the research, recording, and representation of queer history
6) work together with other parties in order to further these aims

In order to support this work the Organization may accept donations and testaments, and upon obtaining relevant permissions, may organize fundraisers and recreational events with entry fees. The Organization may own fixed assets for the purposes of its practice.

3. Members

A person that accepts the purposes of the Organization may be accepted as a full member. A private individual or a legal entity that wishes to support the purposes and practices of the Organization may be accepted as an associate member. The Organization’s Board of Directors approve applications for full and associate members. In a meeting of the Organization, the Board may invite an individual that has significantly contributed to and supported the Organization’s activities to be an honorary Chair or honorary member.

The Board of Directors can consider a member to have resigned from the Organization if they have not paid their membership fee within the specified time frame for the last two years.

4. Joining and Membership Fees

The joining fee and annual membership fees for both full and associate members are decided in the Organization’s annual meeting. An honorary Chair and honorary members do not pay a membership fee.

5. The Board

The Organization is run by the Board, which consists of a Chair, 2-8 Directors, and 0-8 alternates. The aim is to select Board members from the field of research, memory institutions, and queer organizations.

The term of office of the Board of Directors is the period between annual meetings. The Board selects a Vice Chair from its Directors, as well as a Secretary, Treasurer, and other necessary staff either from amongst its directors, or outside of them. The Board of Directors shall meet at the invitation of the Chair, or if they are prevented from attending, at the invitation of the Vice Chair, when they deem it necessary or when at least half of the Board of Directors so requests. The Board of Directors has a quorum when at least half of its members, including the Chair or Vice Chair, are present. Voting shall be by absolute majority. In the event of a tie, the Chair’s vote decides; in an election the tiebreaker is drawn from a hat.

6. Writing the Name of the Organization

The name of the Organization is written by the Board Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, or Treasurer, each alone.

7. Financial Year

The Organization’s financial year corresponds with the calendar year.

8. The Organization’s Meetings

If the Organization’s meeting or Board so decides, it is possible to participate in the Organization meeting through post, telecommunications connection, or other technical aid, during or before the meeting. The Organization’s annual meeting is held once a year on a day determined by the Board between January and May. Each full member, honorary member, and honorary Chair have one vote in the Organization’s meeting. Associate members have the right to be present and speak at the meeting. Unless otherwise specified in the rules, the decision reached will be that which has over half of the votes that were cast. In the event of a tie, the Chair’s vote decides; in an election the tiebreaker is drawn from a hat.

9. Convening a Meeting for the Organization

The Board must invite the members to an organization meeting at least 14 days before the meeting, either through posted letters or email.

10. Annual Meeting

The Organization’s annual meeting concerns the following:

1. Opening the meeting
2. A Chair, Secretary, two Minutes Auditors, and if necessary two Scrutineers, are chosen for the meeting
3. The legality and quorum of the meeting is stated
4. The meeting agenda is approved
5. A financial report, annual report, and auditor statement are presented
6. Decisions are made on approving the annual accounts and discharging the Board and others accountable from liability
7. Approve the action plan, budget, and the cost of joining and membership fees
8. A Chair of the Board and other members are chosen
9. One or two Minutes Auditors and alternates are chosen, or one or two Financial Auditors and alternates
10. Other subject matter listed in the invite is discussed

If a member wishes to have a certain matter discussed at the annual meeting, they must make a written statement to the Board in enough time for it to be included in the invite.

11. Amendments to the Rules and Dissolution of the Organization

Any decision to amend the rules and dissolve the Organization must be made with at least three quarters (¾) of the votes cast at the Organization’s meeting. The meeting invite must specify any amendment to the rules or dissolution of the Organization. If the Organization is dissolved, it’s assets are to be donated to the Seta Foundation.