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15.11.2024 klo 10:00–16:00
Celebrating Rainbow History Month at University of Turku
Friday 15.11.2024 10-16 University of Turku, Arcanum, Arcanuminkuja 1
(Esteetön sisäänpääsy)
10.00-11.30 Arcanum A269 (NB: we start at 10.00)
: Ingrid Ryberg (University of Gothenburg)
Queer publicity in the shadow of the Swedish sin: The reception of “homophile” film characters in the 1950s
Keynote speaker:
Ingrid Ryberg is an Associate Professor in Film Studies at the Department of Cultural Sciences at the University of Gothenburg. Her current project “Queer world-making in the welfare state”, funded by the Swedish Research Council, is a reception study exploring the role of audiovisual media in queer counter publics in Sweden between 1944–89. Ryberg is the author of the forthcoming book Swedish Film Feminism: Ambivalent Exceptionalism During the Second Wave (Bloomsbury, 2025), which offers the first in-depth historical account of the feminist film movement in Sweden in the 1970s and 80s and makes an original contribution to current methodological debates in feminist film studies. Ryberg is co-editor, with Anu Koivunen and Kata Kyrölä, of the volume The Power of Vulnerability: Mobilising Affect in Feminist, Queer and Anti-racist Media Cultures (2018, MUP), as well as a special issue on Nordic queer cinema for lambda nordica (2021). She is also the director of the documentaries An Army of Lovers (2018), about queer filmmaking in Sweden in the 1970s, and Dragkingdom of Sweden (together with Åsa Ekman, 2002), the short Phone Fuck (2009), made for the feminist porn collection Dirty Diaries, and the interactive performance installations The Setting of Desire: Cinemaoke in the Celluloid Closet (2016) and Invites: Cinemaoke in Bergman’s Closet (2018).
11.45-13.00 Arcanum A269
Varpu Alasuutari: The History of Nordic Queer Loneliness
Anu Koivunen: Tracing Queer History in Public Service Broadcasting Archives
Riikka Taavetti: Sweden-Ferries in Finnish Queer Memories and Histories
[Lunch break]
14-16 A355/257
PANEELIKESKUSTELU: Elämäkerrat sateenkaarihistoriana
Keskustelijoina Hannu Harju (Kajava – pelätty, parjattu, palvottu 2023), Jonimatti Joutsijärvi (Mirkka Rekola: Elämä joka ei koskaan tule kokonaan esiin 2023, Mirkka Rekola II: Elämä koko ajan käy ilmi salasta, 2024) ja Rita Paqvalen (Queera minnen. Essäer om tystnad, längtan och motstånd 2021).
Puheenjohtajana Anu Koivunen
Organizers: Gender Studies/University of Turku, SELMA: Centre for the Study of Storytelling, Experientiality and Memory, CRISSE-verkosto and IDA – Intimacy in Data-Driven Culture -consortium (Strategic Research Council 2018-2025),